“As a free market person, I understand the impulse to say, ‘We want all the above. We don’t want to the government to be picking winners and losers.’ Agree with that 100% the problem with this. All-the above rhetoric misses the mark on reliability and affordability. We need reliable and affordable energy, and all energy sources should be able to compete to provide reliable and affordable power. But the problem rhetorically with this all the above language is it’s really just giving ground to the net-zero policies.” — André Béliveau 

In Episode 459 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses her upcoming fall hunting/fishing plans, her appointment to Virginia’s Land Conservation Foundation Board of Trustees, and welcomes Commonwealth Foundation’s André Béliveau onto the program for an important energy policy discussion and to discuss his organization’s Energy Platform.

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Commonwealth Foundation: A New Vision for Energy

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Photo: André Béliveau