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Fox & Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast January 4, 2025 – Video here.
Expert calls to shut down Biden’s ‘woke’ ‘nonsense’ in fiery interview – Executive Director Marc Morano reacts to President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to overhaul Biden’s climate agenda.
Rush Transcript:
Rachel Campos-Duffy: The Biden administration has taken more action on climate change than any other president, allocating billions in funds for programs like reducing greenhouse gas, expanding EV chargers, pushing for clean school busses and going off the grid. So what should the top priorities be for the Trump administration to roll back the costly climate agenda. Joining us now is Marc Morano. He’s the publisher of Marc always great to have you on. So you are on our friend Joe Piscopo’s show, sort of fantasizing about having the shortest lived federal job for two weeks, for you to go and clean out all these wasteful climate directives and policies. So tell us what your to what you would do in those two weeks, how you would advise President Trump to deal with all this waste and climate directives?
Marc Morano: Well, from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Energy to the Pentagon — in fact, Biden made every cabinet agency, a climate agency — my fantasy was to have the shortest lived job in federal history go in for about two weeks, shorter than some Trump’s previous press secretaries. But we won’t get into that, but go in and literally defund and close all of the woke climate programs, particularly starting in places like the Navy or the in the Pentagon, Department of Army, where they actually have all these climate initiatives, and they actually have the mission of the Army and the Navy as one of their focuses is going after fighting climate change.
Which, by the way, isn’t a thing: There’s no such thing as climate action or fighting climate change. Even Department of Transportation and Obama’s department, they had studies looking at how fatal car crashes went up due to global warming. You have to cut the funding. You have to cut the program. You have to fire the employees, at the very least, since it is hard to fire people, reassign them.
I would love to preside over that, shut all this nonsense down the most egregious examples, and then walk away from federal service, because that’s what needs to be done, is they have to be shut immediately.
But even beyond that, Rachel so much of this is the narrative in recasting this entire global fight. But of course, the biggest of all, and this has to come from Donald Trump. He has to submit the UN Paris Agreement, the climate pact, to the United States Senate as a treaty, get the Senate to reject it and treat it as a treaty, and then that gets us out of not only that agreement, but the entire UN climate process, going back to 1992 when George H W Bush got us into the whole mess at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 because he wanted Republicans to appear earth friendly. So Bush gets us involved in this UN Sustainable Development mess. It’s time for Donald Trump 2.0 to reverse. What was that 32 years ago — that mess that began 33 years ago.
Rachel Campos-Duffy: You also said that you want to set up, you want Donald Trump to set up a sort of new climate committee that would include scientists who are skeptics of this so called Science.
Marc Morano: This is frustrating, because Trump 1.0 — the first term, he brought in the premier expert on greenhouse gasses, Dr. Will Happer from Princeton University. He was Trump’s science advisor. He was all set to do the first push back on the UN climate reports, which began in 1990 — the first pushback by any government around the world. The first pushback scientifically. It was going to have several dozen of the world’s top scientists, including former UN scientists, Nobel Prize winning scientists, former NASA scientists, Harvard and Yale scientists, all were prepared to go. Donald Trump green lit it, but his staff slow walked until it was too late to do before the 2020 election.
This time around, if Trump does this Climate Committee, and you would have a sort of Red team, Blue Team, it will be the first ever by a government push back of the UN Climate report. This would be the shot heard around the world. It would be the first time a narrative changer on climate change happened. No longer would the only narrative be ‘We have 10 years left till we die’ or ‘We need climate action, net zero. We have to you stop allowing gas powered cars.’
This would actually change that whole climate narrative. And this would help Argentina, help the Eastern European countries, all who are itching to join President Trump, into what I call a Clexit, the climate exit from the UN summit, UN climate treaty, which is similar to the Brexit, but this time, we have to do it on the climate issue.
Rachel Campos-Duffy: Hopefully it might also put an end to all the child slaves that are in Africa digging for cobalt for this agenda, my goals are a little less lofty. I just want a dishwasher that works well if you want the slave labor in China to end but I also want a dishwasher that actually works that I don’t have to clean the dishes before I put it in the dishwasher and then run it twice. So let’s hope for that too in the new year and in the new administration. Marc Morano, so great to have you.
The post Morano in ‘fiery’ Fox & Friends interview: Time for Trump to get us out of the climate ‘mess’ was first published by the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), and is republished here with permission. Please support their efforts.